See if you can copy the message.
Nikola Tesla
Sam Timberlake, KF4TXQ
Edwin H. Armstrong
Old Proverb
In December 1915, Clarence Tuska and Hiram Percy Maxim made a bold decision that cost both of the men quite a bit of money and by no means did their decision guarantee success. The newly formed League was faced with a challenge of getting information out to amateurs across the nation. The need for funds was evident and the sale of a station list and member certificates was not going well. Very few were sold. So, Tuska and Maxim decided to fund a bulletin to highlight the League and provide information that would bring amateurs together across the nation. Out of their own pockets, the men produced the publication and distributed the very first QST. Members were urged to send in a dollar to get a station list and to fund the new bulletin. The men put it bluntly in the circular, "...the success of this plan hinges upon whether the membership will send in their dollar right away....and if they will subscribe to QST. If they do, we are all right, and we have a fine future promised to us. If they do not, then the President and Secretary will have lost their money and wasted a lot of hard work." Fortunately the gamble paid off and enough money was brought in for subsequent issues. And so it continues today.
Philo of Alexandria
Hotspot setup for DMR (doc)