1. President- Andy Howard, WA4KCY - SK
2. Vice President - Sam Timberlake, KF4TXQ - kf4txq@charter.net
3. Trustee - Dr. Ron Johnson, WB4GWA - skywave@bellsouth.net
4. Secretary - Steven V. Waters, AE4IN - AE4IN@gmail.com
5. Treasurer - Lou Duncan, K4MNY - SK
6. William A. Haynes, Jr., NK4D - SK
7. Ron Thomas, N4RT - Send E-mail to Ron
8. R. Wayne Banks, WB4WB - SK
9. Nicholas Waters, KF4TXR -
10. Alden K. Smith, WD4BSR (no e-mail)
11. Johnny Thompson, K4OGD - wa4ogd@yahoo.com
12. Robert Moody, W4WSZ - rufsu7964@gmail.com
13. Tim Mayfield, K4CWL (no e-mail)
14. Tom Hand, W4WDS - SK
15. Allen Cutts, N4OZI - cacutts@mindspring.com
16. Jimmie Dunn, KA4JGS - SK
17. Pauline Dunn, KB4KUC (no e-mail)
18. Jimmy Brown, KQ4S (no e-mail)
19. Sally Howard, N4RFQ
20. Carey York, K4JAD - k4jad@yahoo.com
21. Art Driggers, N4JK - n4jk@cox.net
22. Mike Swiderski, K4HBI - SK
23. Rex Johnson, K4JBJ -SK
24. Burt Pratt, K4PRF - pratt@knology.net
25. Ron Lowrance, K4SX - k4sx@akorn.net
26. Rusty Blackston, K4RMB - rusty98@windstream.net
27. Joe Marbury, W4JSM - w4jsm@bellsouth.net
28. Jon Weiner, K1VVC - jonweiner@aol.com
29. Bob Login, AA8A - jlogin@mindspring.com
30. Jim Cunningham, K4DEE - k4deejim@aol.com
31. Irene Duncan, KB4YGZ - nemesis@gtcinternet.com
32. Frank Temple, WA4FCM - wa4fcm@yahoo.com
33. Charles Andrews - KI4GDY (expired call)
34. Powell E. Way, III, W4OPW - powell@conterra.net
35. Steve Carman, W4IT - scarman@mindspring.com
36. Jim Olson, W4JO - SK
37. Bill Burnette, W4MA - bill.w4ma@gmail.com
38. Todd M. Burnette, KC4TVZ - kc4tvz@juno.com
39. Warren Davis, AB4GE - ab4ge@wdavis.net
40. William R. Henry, WA4DOJ - wa4doj@aol.com
41. Walter E. Wilson, KK4DF - wewilson@knology.net
42. Ray Eberly, W4OB - ray.eberly@mindspring.com
43. Don Flenner, W4YCH - w4ych@comcast.net
44. Chuck Teeters, W4MEW - SK
45. Greg Carter, KX4R - Send E-mail to Greg
46. Dr. John Scarborough, KN4ME - Scarbjwmd@gmail.com
47. Gary Taylor, WB8BEM - SK
48. Lea Salter, K4VWD - k4vwd@aol.com
49. Wayne J. Flickinger, W9BKJ (expired call)
50. Ben Finger, K9BEN - SK, 7-03
51. Bob Moseson, W4CFF - w4cff@aol.com
52. Pete Taylor, KC4OKE - (expired call)
53. Lee Hayes, KC5BPT (expired call)
54. Brian Wingard, N4DKD - Send E-mail to Brian
55. Larry Saletzki, WA9VRH - Send E-mail to Larry
56. Charles E. Burnette, W4CNN
57. Tom Panter, WA4TP - Send E-mail to Tom
58. Sam Ash, K4NDY - SK
59. Robert Lawson, W4RL - SK
60. Richard Pann, W1SUJ - SK
61. Richard, Wayne, W4LN - rwayne@vnet.net
62. Collin Collier, N4TUA - n4tua@aol.com
63. Hal Dale, WB4AEG - wb4aeg@yahoo.com
64. Ken Boyd, KK4LL - kk4ll@peachnet.com
65. Bert Coker, N4BZJ - > bcoker@whitfield.k12.ga.us
66. Ernie Johansmeier, K0OCC - SK
67. Tom Koch, W4UOC - w4uoc@aol.com
68. Frank Marler, W4NOP - SK 8-08
69. Harry Vaught, KT4AE -hlvaught@bellsouth.net
70. Bill Wilson, W4BIZ - we509@yahoo.com
71. Roger Outlaw, WA4RVB - WA4RVB@arrl.net
72. Susan J. Outlaw, KA4GBV (no e-mail)
73. Marty Reynolds, AA4RM - SK April 3, 2010
74. Ryan M. Dunbar, W4CGR (no e-mail)
75. Curtis A. Gamble, KF4RCY - Send E-mail to Curtis
76. Bill Johnson, WB5RYB - wb5ryb@hotmail.com
77. Chuck Groome, K5CEG
78. John E. Burke, W0ENE - wa0ene@hotmail.com
79. John B. Thuren, AA5T (expired call)
80. Hank Clark, W2IQ - SK
81. Dale Gagnon, KW1I
82. Mitch Montgomery, W4TC - SK
83. E. M. Riddle, W5AIW (expired call)
84. Harry Mills, K4HU - SK
85. Martin Harris, Jr., W4FOT - w4fot@arrl.net
86. Dave Gilliam, AE4SQ - (expired call)
87. Fritz Nitsch, W4NTO, SK
88. Mel Beal, KR4HM (no e-mail)
89. Bill Baird, Jr., K4II - SK 2-05
90. Joe Gault, W4WZ - SK
91. Hutchins, Maxie, N4ENQ - n4enq@bellsouth.net
92. Lloyd Kidwell, W4LSK - lsjek@juno.com
93. Harold Kinley, WA4GIB, SK
94. Earl Blair, W4ZEQ - ewblairsr@hotmail.com
95. Charles Jobes, W1HVA - SK
96. Charlie Johnson, K4ZRJ - Send E-mail to Charles
97. Tom Henderson, K4EMG - Send E-mail to Tom
98. Roger Higley, W8CRK, SK
99. Vincent Van Pelt, WB4BPS - wb4bps@hiway.net
100. Jodie Blackston, KF4AEI (see K4RMB address)
101. Mark J. Croney, W4ZF - mcroney@bellsouth.net
102. Frank Shields, W5TJ - SK
103. Charles Leidner, K4QZO - Send E-mail to Charles
104. Wayne Medley, N4VMV - SK
105. Robert (Robbie) Edens, W4NWB - Send E-mail to Robbie
106. Cary Geeslin, WA4JHE - Send E-mail to Cary
107. Tony Coalson, K4YTO - Send E-mail to Tony
108. J. Dalton McCrary, W4WUQ - SK
109. Harold Smith, W4PQW - SK
110. Jim (Fletch) Fletcher, W4BBW - Send E-mail to James
111. Bill Brossman, K9IUF - Send E-mail to Bill
112. Butch Schartau, K0BS - Send E-mail to Butch
113. Phil Kitchens, W4HGH - SK
114. Charles Milton, W4MIL - Send E-mail to Charles
115. Al Vernon, W5VBT - Send E-mail to Al
116. Steven Tullos, AC5CH - (expired call)
117. Gerald W. Froehlich, KR4BR - Send E-mail to Gerald
118. Hank J. Rhodes, KG4UJO - SK 4/29/06
119. Paul D. Manno, KG4UVU - Send E-mail to Paul
120. Paul Courson, WA3VJB - Send E-mail to Paul
121. David Montgomery, W4TS - Send E-mail to David
122. Paul W. Vaughn, WA4FST - SK
123. Bob Mayben, W4RFM - Send E-mail to Bob
124. Robert E. (Bob) Birdsong, KB4A - Send E-mail to Bob
125. Gerald (Jerry) Gilbert, K4INU - Send E-mail to Jerry
126. Wallace (Pop) Simpson - KI4GHO - SK
127. Jeffrey May, W0XV - SK
128. James C. Thomason, WX5T - j-t@cox.net
129. Larry Vines, WA4WIA - SK
130. Walter Carroll, WB4FGV- SK
131. Kenneth W Hurst, W4NOC - mailto:kg4muw@arrl.net
132. Frank Mynes, Jr., K8OHZ - SK, 4-05
133. Lloyd E. Garvin, Jr., N4WPG - SK
134. Ronnie Joyce, KG5MD
135. Horace Hartley, KA4PUJ
136. Phillip Williams, K4PAW - mailto:philwill93@hotmail.com
137. John Williams, KE4NND
138. Bill Decker, N4VMY - SK
139. Bruce Balsey, W9OTN
140. Bobby O'Donald, KD4ISM - mailto:bobbyod@attbi.com
141. Harold Hairston, K4HCA - SK
142. Brian Carling, AF4K - SK
143. Mike Moore, K4YDN - mailto:k4ydn@santarosabeach.net
144. Bill Chartier, N4IQ - mailto:n4iq@charter.net
145. Dave Kiker, W5YSA - SK
146. Jimmy Adams, K4KHV - mailto:Radios@digitalexp.com
147. Karen G. Manno, KG4ZGU - mailto:kg4zgu@arrl.net
148. Emma Montgomery, WB4DLC - Send E-mail to Emma
149. Ollie Steiner W2QXR
150. Kevin McClure, WA4KM - kevin.protech@yahoo.com
151. Susan Swiderski, AF4FO - Send E-mail to Susan
152. George Peck, W4IW - SK, 1-09
153. Eddie Brown, KA4AMI - wbrown1291@comcast.net
154. Perry Wheless, K4CWW - Send E-mail to Perry
155. Tony King, W4ZT - SK, 2-8-09
156. Mike Carroll, W4AEE - Send E-mail to Mike
157. Jim Schliestett, K4AEK - mailto:jrschliestett@comcast.net
158. Jim Weston, K4COD - Send E-mail to Jim
159. Jack Absalom, KF4YIO - SK, 4-25-08
160. Norman G. Barnes, WB4VYQ- (expired call)
161. Frank Butler, W4RH - Send E-mail to Frank
162. Alec Sims, W4ICU - Send E-mail to Alec
163. Bobby Huddleston, K5SZN - Send E-mail to Bobby
164. Dave Gordon-Smith, G3UUR - mailto:g3uur@dg_s.fsnet.co.uk
165. Cliff Hudson, KT4NO - gchudson3@juno.com
166. Bob Hamilt, KD4UK, SK, 3-30-09
167. Bob Dilworth, W4LQE - SK
168. Matthew Hollins, AA4WW - Send E-mail to Matthew
169. Charles T. Emerson, N4OKL - SK
170. Ben Booth, W4CT - SK
171. Susan Booth, W4YL - Send E-mail to Susan
172. Don Sanders, W4BWS - Send E-mail to Don
173. George Donavan, WB5WUX - Send E-mail to George
174. Billy Argo, K4BJA, SK
175. David Adams, WD5BZO - Send E-mail to David
176. John Milner, K4VZS - Send E-mail to John
177. Robert Evans, WW9W - Send E-mail to Robert
178. Charlie Harris, K4FNY - hogmountain2016@att.net
179. President, Bob Stewart, K4BKC - bttmep@charter.net
180. Ewan Moore, N4LMI
181. Tom Moll, N0BS - Send E-mail to Tom
182. Joe Veras, K9OCO - Send E-mail to Joe
183. Mike Duke, K5XU - Send E-mail to Mike
184. Coy Johnson, K5BCN - Send E-mail to Coy
185. Paul Garguillo, KI4CBT - Send E-mail to Paul
186. Tim Howard, WE4U - Send E-mail to Tim
187. Jim Rayburn, Sr., N4QFI - (expired call)
188. Jim Rayburn, Jr., KC4BQK - Send E-mail to Jim
189. Larry Richards, WA4LR - Send E-mail to Larry
190. James A. Cummings, KT4MM - Send E-mail to James
191. Frank Lombardi, W2FAL - Send E-mail to Frank
192. Clyde Wiginton, N4UAE - Send E-mail to Clyde
193. Robert "Cactus" Gay, K4YMB - Send E-mail to Cactus
194. Derek Hopkins, KA4ZTY - (expired call)
195. John Playford, WD8LQT - Send E-mail to John
196. Ray Arthur, KS4C -
197. Robert A. (Bob) Watson, KN4HH - Send E-mail to Bob
198. Norval Knight, KF4TV - Send E-mail to Norval
199. Louis Reaux, WA4VCB - Send E-mail to Louis
200. George Young, KE4VPD - Send E-mail to George
201. Marvin E. Reznicek, KV4ES (expired call)
202. Dick Dedels, W4CEB - Send E-mail to Dick
203. Frank Provenzano, N4XAE
204. Lisa Provenzano, KD5VNA
205. Jack Bryant, KE4ID - Send E-mail to Jack
206. Bill Cook, N4WC - Send E-mail to Bill
207. Larry Kirkland, W4LK - Send E-mail to Larry
208. Richard Harder, WA4FUU - Send E-mail to Richard
209. Tim Craig, WD4TC - Send E-mail to Tim
210. Warren Ellis, W4GUD, SK ( Call now held by his wife, Lona)
211. Maury Boren, N4GUI - Send E-mail to Maury
212. Bob Perry, W5CL - Send E-mail to Bob
214. Joe Minor, K4JOE - Send E-mail to Joe
215. Bud Siebel, KG4SME - Send-E-mail to Bud
216. Billy Burdette, K4NJS - SK
217. Roy S. Higdon, W4IDD - Send E-mail to Roy
218. Dave Ross, W7DSR - (expired call)
219. John Ray, W4BFS - Send E-mail to John
220. Jim Day, K4LTD
221. Julian (Butch) Harris, Jr.- WA4WKL- Send E-mail to Butch
222. Joe Plemons, K4JCP - Send E-mail to Joe
223. Jim Lotspeich, N5FKW
224. David Star, 4X1IO-- SK
225. Ed Purvis, WA4NJY - Send E-mail to Ed
226. Don Chandler, AB4KR - Send E-mail to Don
227. Don Widener, N4UB - Send E-mail to Don
228. Edward McKie, KB5GT - Send E-mail to Ed
229. Lou Sabatini -W9LRS- Send E-mail to Lou
230. Dana F. Persells - WJ4Z-Send E-mail to Dana
231. Ed Wille, N4KNO, SK
232. Glenn Farr, N4AK - glennfarr41@gmail.com
233. Steve Westbrook, KI4GGJ - swestbro@aol.com
234. Jerry Kidd, WA4JK - wa4jk73@gmail.com
235. Ed Ringer, W4DGH - SK
236. Bill Chatham, K4EJS-SK
237. Jeff Fenton, KB4LRL - Send E-mail to David
238. Bill Snyder, WR4G
239. William Salge, K4NNP
240. Clyde Denton, K4UXK - SK
241. David Durant, N4XCE - Send E-mail to David
242. Tim Lilley, N3TL - QSL Direct
243. Jerry Hart, W4FRE - SK
244. Michael Wilke, WB4AQL - Send E-mail to Mike
245. Bob Lovell, W4BBN - Send E-mail to Bob
246. Randall E. Murphree, W4DEU
247. Carl E. Price, W4RNZ - Send E-mail to Carl
248. Steve Elliott, KC4SSB - Send E-mail to Steve
249. Fred Hall, AC4R - Send E-mail to Fred
250. Bill Hoisington, W5GUA - Send E-mail to Bill
251. Stan King, W4KR- w4kr@wctel.net
252. Virgil Wyric, W4OLJ- Cell: 423-404-8000
253. Dan Jones, W4CDJ- w4cdjo@gmail.com
254. Dwight Baker, KB4WLF - d2baker@comcast.net
255. Masa Yamamoto, AB9MQ- ab9mq@arrl.net
256. Manuel Davis, KW4TV- 1kw4tv@gmail.com
257. Dr. Scott Newland, AC3D - ac3d@ymail.com
258. Greg Walker, WA4III - wa4iii@yahoo.com
259. Don Bowders, K5HFG - k5hfg@yahoo.com
260. Hop Hays, K4TQR - SK
261. Phil Baker, WA4LXU - wa4lxu@gmail.com
262. Brannon Young, W4GUZ - Brannon.young@mitchellcounty.org
263. Douglas Benner, K4DBS - bendo1950@gmail.com
264. M. Kent Miller, K4MK
265. Billy Chandler, KO4SSY - billyschandler1970@gmail.com
266. Bruce Ballew, N4WD - n4wd.n4wd@yahoo.com
267. Dave Church, - AD4Q - dchurch5938@gmail.com
268. Chuck Anderson, - N4IYQ - n4iyq@comcast.net
269. David Milner, KJ4FGV - dmilner286@gmail.com
270. Mack McCormick, W4AX - w4ax.mack@gmail.com
271. Bob Richards, AA4AI - carboyhat@juno.com
272. William B. Harrell, N4GUV - billsmtn@windstream.net
273. Larry Lyda, W4PJP - lhlyda719@att.net
274. Lyle Dysinger, N4QH - lylen4qh@aol.com
275. James D. Miller Jr., K4NNL - jdmillerjr@gmail.com
276. Greg Pomas, WB4KKJ - wb4kkj@gmail.com
277. Phil LeFever, KB0NES - kb0nes@yahoo.com
278. John Billingsley, W4TP - de_w4tp@yahoo.com
279. Brad Farrell, K4RT - k4rt@arrl.net
280. John McGrath, N9AMI - solutions884@gmail.com
281. Bud Nocera, WO4K
282. Tim Smith, WA1HLR - timtron@hotmail.com
283. Thomas Burton, W9TAB - electron@live.com
284. J.W. Gouge, K4BBX
285. Mark Hatcher, W4WWC -markw4wwc@gmail.com
286. Ryan Moser, K4RMZ
287. Rob Tanner, AB4AM - rtanner@yahoo.com
288. Bill Latimer, WA4DDH - wa4ddh@cs.com
289. Melburn (Mel) Bullard, Sr. - W4YTO- w4yto@att.net
290. Judy McGrath, W9AMI - judymcgrath1212@gmail.com
291. Kenneth Clark, K4CVI - ken.clark61@gmail.com
292. Steve Ellington, N4LQ - steven4lq@gmail.com
293. Charles M. Cook, (Charlie) - N4OYT - n4oyt@comcast.net
294. Allen Lovett, K4VA - k4va@arrl.net
295. Angelo F. Vaccaio, SWL (WOX3AFV)
296. Gary Alberstadt, KA3FZO - KA3FZO@gmail.com
297. Mack Walls, W4MAC - w4mac@yahoo.com
298. Paul Spurlock, WA4FHY - pspurloc@bellsouth.net
299. Lee Johnson, K5CUB - Lee_abe@bellsouth.net
300. Paul Carlson, VE7ZWZ - admin@mrcarlsonslab.com
NOTE: We are trying to update our membership list. If you are a member and are not listed please contact: Eddie Brown, KA4AMI. His email is: wbrown1291@comcast.net
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