This is how it came to me. No power supply, and in need of total restoration. The amp had several missing parts including the fan and was damaged in the RF section due to flashover.
Took the amp apart to begin bead blasting of chassis.
Chassis was corroded and generally dirty all over.
Painted the clean chassis with copper paint and repainted the transformer after testing it.
Notice the flashover point on the plates. Took the capacitor apart and replaced all bad plates with new ones.
New restored RF section and rebuilt tube section. Relays rebuilt and re-installed. New wiring everywhere.
New re-designed and re-built power supply. Will add a solid state electronic time delay to replace the old Amperex which is no longer available.
Newly installed and re-designed power supply. Tested at 2000 volts.
New squirrel cage fan added. Also added new PL-259 connectors. Dentron's were cheap and corroded.
Restored front panel. Need to find new knobs for it... The ones I have look beat up.... More to come as I continue work on this project. Still have to build top and bottom covers for the amp.